Kitchen Renovation Progress Now that everything was demolished for the kitchen renovation it was time to put it all back together again. Kevin and I decided to do the painting ourselves to save a little money. I also plan to do all of the finishing trim work to save even more money. If you haven't already, check out my Vision Board for this kitchen. It shows what flooring, countertops and backsplash I chose, amongst other things. Here is our stack of paint cans. Ceiling paint, primer … [Read More...]
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DIY Valentine Bouquet
Here is a quick and easy Valentine DIY. It is a cute little pink and white rose Valentine bouquet! You can make this diy valentine bouquet for any occasion actually. It would be really cute as a … [Read More...]

I’m a Norwex Consultant!
I'm a Norwex Consultant! Hi guys, exciting news over here. I have decided to become a Norwex Consultant! What is Norwex you ask? Well it is an amazing company that sells cleaning products. They are … [Read More...]

Kitchen Renovation-Demo Day
Kitchen Renovation Now that I have shared my mood board for our kitchen renovation it is now time to get down to the actual renovation. Up first is demo day! Don't we all love a good demo day? It is … [Read More...]

Wooden Valentine Heart
Wooden Valentine Heart I thought I would share a cute little wooden valentine heart I made the other day. I saw the wooden heart at the dollar store and figured I would try my hand at a little craft … [Read More...]

Laundry Stripping-What is it and My Honest Review
Laundry Stripping Have you heard about this new cleaning trend going around out there called laundry stripping? I've been seeing it everywhere. The premise is that to get super clean whites, or any … [Read More...]